God calls us to live our faith and share God’s love with everyone we meet!
Here are some of ways that Peace Lutheran Church puts faith into action and how you can join us. 
Otsego County Food Pantry-
each month Peace Lutheran Church volunteers to help distribute food at the Otsego County United Way Food Bank! Our next service dates are March 24th and March 30th Please get in touch with Graydon Blank to volunteer to help!
Annual Crop Walk– Each year Peace Lutheran participates in the Gaylord area Crop walk! 
This year we had 35 walkers and raised over $3,500 for local and global hunger!
2021 Crop Walk

2021 Crop Walk

Community Dinner– Peace Lutheran partners with area churches to provide a free meal each Friday. Peace provides the meal on the third Friday of even numbered months! Our Next Service date is April 21st! Please contact the office to learn how you can help.
Lutheran World Relief School Kits-
Every year Peace collects school supplies and sews school bags to send to kids around the world through LWR school kits! 
Thanks to your support, we have collected enough supplies for 50 health kits and 80 school kits!
Here are the items we are collecting each month
March – full sized bars of soap
April – adult toothbrushes 
May- sturdy combs
June- nail clippers
July & August – School supplies. 
Quilters– Every year our quilters make dozens of quilts and lap robes to give to people in the community and around the world! Our Quilting group meets on Wednesdays from 10am-2pm, all are welcome!
Adopt a Family- Each Christmas Peace Lutheran Church reaches out to meet the needs of folks in our community providing gifts of comfort and love to those in need. Please contact the office if you know of a need or would like to contribute. 

The Thomasma family brings gifts to the ventilator unit

Prayer shawl knitting group- This group of of dedicated knitters makes prayer shawls that are blessed and then given to those in our community who are struggling, Please get in touch with Linda Popp or the church office if you know of someone in need of a shawl. 
God’s Work Our Hands Sunday- Every year the ELCA host a day of service where congregations from across the country all roll up their sleeves to do God’s work with their hands!!! This year Peace Lutheran volunteers painted the garage at the church, and hand wrote 111 prayer cards to send out to each of the congregations in our Synod!
View Stories of how we put our FAITH IN ACTION as the ELCA! Click HERE