Giving and Donations
Why do we give?
We believe that God has given us all that we have, and entrusted us with these gifts to help share God’s love in the world. One of the ways we do that is by donating to the work of the church.
How can I give?
There are several ways you can give.
You can click the Simply Giving link in the next section to sign up for online giving.
You can mail a check to us at 3703 Old 27 South
P.O. Box 1153
Gaylord MI 49735
You can drop off a gift at drive up communion each week.
Please know that Peace Lutheran Church values each gift and prayerfully uses these gifts to share God’s love in the community and around the world! Thank you for supporting this ministry.
Give By Text
Giving a donation can be a simple as sending a Text! Simply text to the number
With the amount you want to donate!
Give Online-
It’s safe and easy to support our ministry with online giving. Simply fill out the form below.
Simply giving is a way to have your gifts given to the church each week or month directly from your bank. This is a safe way to make sure that the church gets your donation. Simply click on the heading Simply Giving to download a form, fill it out, and send it to the office it’s that easy. You can also call the office at 989-732-1991 to set up simply giving.
What do my gifts do?
Donations to the general fund- are used for the day to day ministry of the church. They help pay our staff, maintain the building, and buy supplies for ongoing ministry. A portion of these gifts is also passed on by the church to our Synod and National Church body to help support the work we do together as the ELCA.
Special offerings for things like our monthly Hunger offering, LWR kits, ELCA disaster response, and more go directly to support those causes. 100% of funds donated to special offerings are sent to the causes they support.
Memorials– are gifts given in memory of a loved one or community member. These gifts are used for special ministries in the church and worship.
Check out how giving in the ELCA works and learn more about how we work together as a church by viewing this video on YouTube! Just click HERE to view.