Community Events!
Visit this page often to learn about upcoming community events including special worship services, family fun events, service and volunteer opportunities, and more! Please note that you never need to be a member of Peace Lutheran Church to participate in any of our worship services or community events, EVERYONE is welcome! 
If you would like to participate in the life and ministry of the church and find yourself unable to due to special needs or disability please come talk to us! We can’t promise a solution to every problem, but we can promise to listen, take you seriously, and do our best to remove barriers that keep people from participating at Peace Lutheran! 
Jan 13th – Acts Bible Study starts
Feb 9th – Cub Scout Sunday
Feb 11th – Lunch out at Alpine Tavern
Feb 25th – Today’s Women of Faith
March 5th – Ash Wednesday
March 12th -Lenten Soup Supper and Holden Evening Prayer
To the End’s of Earth – A Journey Through Acts
Join Pastor Megan Monday nights at 6:30pm starting on January 13th as we read through the Book of Acts! This study will look at how the good news of God’s love was shared as the early Church formed
Click HERE for the zoom link 
Jan 13th- The Journey Begins – Acts 1-8
Jan 20th – Widening the Circle- Acts 8 – 9
Jan 27th – Witnessing among Gentiles – Acts 10 -15
Feb 3rd – The growing Church – Acts 16- 21
Feb 10th – Challenge and Hope Acts 21-28
Lunch Bunch Meets at Alpine Tavern
Throughout the year Peace offers opportunities for folks to gather and enjoy food and fellowship! We will be meeting on February 11th at the Alpine Tavern in Gaylord at 11:30am! All are welcome!
Today’s Women of Faith- Feb 25th at 12
Bring your lunch and your ideas as we gather together for conversation and service on January 28th! We will start at 12 by making soup that will be frozen and given to folks who need it throughout the coming month. Then we eat lunch and discuss the Living Lutheran, the ELCA’s magazine sharing stories about what’s happening throughout the church! You can read the Living Lutheran by clicking HERE, or pick up a printed copy at the church!
Ash Wednesday March 5th 
Lent starts on March 5th, and Peace Lutheran offers two ways for you to observe this sacred day.
Worship @7pm 
We will be having an Ash Wednesday Worship service with special music, communion, and the imposition of ashes at 7:00pm on the 5th. This will also launch our Lenten devotional series on the Marks of Discipleship! 
Ashes on the Go – 12-6pm
If you can’t join us for worship,  we invite you to stop in and see Pastor Megan for Ashes on the Go between noon and 6pm. Simply enter the church through the fellowship hall door and Pastor Megan will meet you there to bring you to the sanctuary to receive ashes and communion. This normally takes about 10 minuets, however you are welcome to take some extra time in the sanctuary to pray if you would like to. 
Lenten Soup Suppers and Holden Evening Prayer – March 12th at 6pm
Join us on Wednesday nights throughout Lent at 6:00pm for Homemade soup, bread, and fellowship!
Then at 7:00pm head to the sanctuary for Holden Evening Prayer and Lenten Devotions based on the Marks of Discipleship. This peaceful midweek service is great way to stay grounded in your faith while working on growing in your relationship with God! All are welcome! If you would like to bring soup or bread for the meal, please sign up in the narthex (entry) of the church.